Mark your calendars! Presented by the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI), UCI Teach Week is an annual weeklong celebration of teaching and learning across the UCI campus. This year, UCI Teach Week will take place from April 18-22, 2022.
“DTEI established Teach Week in 2018 to highlight the commitment that UCI has to not only being a world-class research institution, but one that aims to support the success of its entire student population,” says Brian Sato, Associate Dean of DTEI.
He goes on to explain:
“Teach Week coincides with the annual Celebration of Teaching, which was established to recognizethe UCI faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants who have demonstrated excellence in undergraduate teaching. As an extension of this event, Teach Weekconsists of programming that enables us to engage with faculty, staff, and students on a variety of teaching-focused topics.”
Michael Dennin (Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning and Dean of Undergraduate Education), who will facilitate one of this year’s UCI Teach Week panels, adds:
“Teach Week provides a wonderful opportunity for the entire UCI community to come together, engage in meaningful conversations, and advance pedagogical innovation. Students and faculty alike look forward to Teach Week and this is why this event is so important—we want the UCI community to be excited about improving teaching strategies and supporting our student’s academic goals.”
This year, UCI Teach Week will consist of a series of free events that will be hosted virtually, in-person, and in hybrid settings for maximum accessibility. Presentations, panels, and other activities will cover subjects such as creating flipped classrooms, facilitating engaging class discussions, adopting a collaborative approach to teaching, and much more.
In preparation for this year’s UCI Teach Week, here is an overview of some of the exciting events to look forward to.
Monday, April 18, 2022
- 11:00 am-2:00 pm:DTEI Office Hours @ the ALP Courtyard (Facilitator: DTEI Instructional Designers)
- Location: In-person, ALP Courtyard
- Description: Many faculty worked with the DTEI instructional designers to design effective Canvas course spaces and adopt new technologies for remote teaching during the pandemic. DTEI invites all UCI faculty to meet with the instructional designers in person and share their remote teaching experiences while addressing specific teaching questions in this special “onsite” DTEI office hour gathering. Light lunch will be provided.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
- 1:00 pm-2:00 pm:Creating a Flipped Classroom (Facilitator: Max Chao)
- Location: Zoom
- Description: Learn more about using recorded lectures and assignments to create a flipped classroom and using class time for more hands-on activities.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
- 11:00 am-12:00 pm:Let’s Talk about Teaching (Facilitator: Megan Linos and Featured UCI Faculty)
- Location: Zoom
- Description: Come and join this virtual round table discussion led by UCI faculty on various teaching-related topics, such as new grading ideas for teaching, student mental wellness support, course design and online teaching, and effective communication via syllabus design.
- 1:00 pm-2:00 pm:Creating Engaging Class Discussions (Facilitator: Andrea Aebersold)
- Location: In-Person, AIRB 1030
- Description: Come learn more about writing engaging discussion questions and strategies to facilitate class discussions.
- 4:00 pm-5:30 pm: Is the Classroom a Team? Coaching an Athletics Team, Running a Collective Arts Performance, and Teaching a Class. (Facilitator: Michael Dennin)
- Location: Hybrid event; In-person, 5th Floor Science Library, 570 iLab A and 571 iLab B & Livestream
- Description: In this panel, Michael Dennin (Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning) will discuss the connection between coaching a team, running an art performance, and teaching a class. Featuring a group of UCI athletic coaches and UCI School of the Arts faculty, panelists will share insights on working collaboratively and consider how “teaching a team” can translate to the classroom.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
- 11:00 am-12:00 pm: Faculty Spotlight (Facilitator: DTEI Instructional Designers)
- Location: Zoom
- Description: DTEI instructional designers work with many UCI faculty in strategizing ways to actively engage students with inclusive course design and digital learning tools. They nominated five UCI faculty who foster digital learning excellence in teaching. Come and join us to learn what they have done in their classes to enhance the student learning experience.
- 2:00 pm-3:00 pm: Inclusive Practices for Assessing Student Writing (Facilitator: Cathy Vimuttinan)
- Location: In-Person, AIRB 1030
- Description: This workshop on writing assessment will explore ways to offer more efficient and focused feedback and will also discuss opportunities to incorporate more inclusive practices that support student writing development.
Friday, April 22, 2022
- 1:00 pm-2:00 pm: How to get a Teaching-Focused Job for Grads/Postdocs (Facilitator: Danny Mann)
- Location: Zoom
- Description: Get advice from UCI alumni who have successfully acquired (and sometimes hired for) teaching-focused positions. Panelists will share their pro tips for the current state of the teaching-focused job market.
Excited for Teach Week 2022? Then stay updated by visiting DTEI’s website. Registration information and other Teach Week news will be posted shortly. For questions, please contact Brian Sato at